When is trash pickup?
Alley hoppers are collected on Friday. The container needs to be out by 7am and all trash must be placed inside the bin. The bins hold 96-gallons and each household can have up to two. The first one is provided by the city. You (or your landlord) can obtain a second one for $45 by calling 317-327-4622.
Note: On weeks with a public holiday (like labor day), trash collection gets pushed to Saturday.
What about large trash pickup?
According to the City, heavy trash is picked up once a month, on the fourth Thursday. This includes household furnishings, appliances, and bicycles. You’ll likely have to call the Mayor’s Action Center to follow up, so please don’t just leave things when you move out. Illegal dumping can be reported to the police by calling 317-327-3811.
How can I help reduce mosquitos?
I’m glad you asked! Clearing gutters and closing the lids of trash containers is a great first step. All a female mosquito needs is an inch of water to lay batches of 100 to 200 eggs. Once she has laid her eggs, they hatch into larvae within 24 to 48 hours. Pupae develop into adult flying mosquitoes in 2-3 days, so making sure any containers around your property collecting rainwater are emptied every 4 days makes a big difference.
Is there recycling?
Not through the city, but Republic Waste Services offers curbside recycling for $6 a month. You pay quarterly for a blue hopper where rinsed materials are co-mingled. They pick up every second Friday, check the RPNA calendar to confirm.
Where is the post office?
Our closest US Post Office is the Circle City branch at 456 N. Meridian St.
Can I park on the street?
All streets in Ransom Place are resident permit parking only. This means any vehicle needs to have a City of Indianapolis permit parking pass placed on the driver side dash. Cars without permits are subject to ticketing. Permits must be renewed yearly. The Code Enforcement Office issues the permits and you must go in person. Download the forms and find more information at indy.gov.
Do I need a permit?
Not only do you need to get a permit for construction, but before you make exterior changes, build, or demolish a building, you are required to apply for a certificate of appropriateness (COA) from the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission. The COA shows that the IHPC has approved your proposed changes.