Ransom Place Neighbors E-Meeting
RPNA meets 9 times per year. We meet the second Monday of the month at 7pm (except July, August, and December, for summer and winter breaks).
If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email hello@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
Ransom Place Neighbors E-Meeting
RPNA meets 9 times per year. We meet the second Monday of the month at 7pm (except July, August, and December, for summer and winter breaks).
If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email president@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.

Trick-or-Treat will follow city hours of 6pm to 8pm on October 31st.
This year we are inviting participating houses to put a paper pumpkin on their front door if they plan to participate. :)

In-Person Meeting with Purdue
Our monthly meeting will be held in-person in October; Purdue University is hosting neighbors and sharing about their upcoming plans.
Monday, October 14, 2024 at 6:30pm
Nine Ten North Event Center (Kountry Kitchen)
1831 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46202
RSVP kindly requested by September 27. https://bit.ly/3MAW0DQ I
A FREE soul food dinner will be provided!
Ransom Place Neighbors E-Meeting
RPNA meets 9 times per year. We meet the second Monday of the month at 7pm (except July, August, and December, for summer and winter breaks).
If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email hello@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
Ransom Place Neighbors E-Meeting
RPNA meets 9 times per year. We meet the second Monday of the month at 7pm (except July, August, and December, for summer and winter breaks).
If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email vp@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
Yoga at the Nature Conservancy
Yoga in the Garden
Date and Time: July 7th from 7:30am-8:30am
Location and Parking: 620 E Ohio St, Indianapolis IN 46202
Join Melissa Moran, Director of Community Programs and registered yoga instructor, for an early morning yoga session at The Nature Conservancy gardens! This is open to all yoga levels and will take place in our Bracken Gardens, which feature native plants from various Indiana ecosystems.
Relax and enjoy the summer flowers before heading to work at this unique event and be sure to RSVP early as spots are limited to 12 attendees.
Attendees should bring their own yoga mats and be prepared for being outside in little to no shade for the duration of the event. Bathrooms are available in the TNC office.
Photo credit: Christina Rutter
Madame Walker Block Party
The historic Madam Walker Legacy Center looks forward to celebrating our 95th anniversary with a family-friendly Block Party this Juneteenth! The attached letter is a notice regarding the closure of Indiana Avenue from Thursday, June 16 through Monday, June 20. We encourage you to come by our Block Party to enjoy great food, music, and fun.
What: MWLC Block Party
When: June 18 & 19, 12pm - 5pm
Where: 617 - 719 Indiana Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202
Monthly Neighborhood E-Meeting
RPNA meets 10 times per year. We meet the second Monday of every month at 7pm (except July and December, for summer and winter breaks). If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email vp@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
(US) +1 573-401-1307 PIN: 877 269 818#
Clean Up Day
Join neighbors and friends from 9am - noon to help spruce up the neighborhood. We have new roles for this spring cleanup and would love to have someone to man the tool station and snack table, and simply drive the coordinator’s truck back and forth from the dumpster, so even if you’re not up for shovelling and sweeping, we can use you!
RSVP by the Monday before to receive a special treat from Quills. https://forms.gle/wZvEHa1zPpp7akuw5
Monthly Neighborhood E-Meeting
RPNA meets 10 times per year. We meet the second Monday of every month at 7pm (except July and December, for summer and winter breaks). If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email vp@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
(US) +1 573-401-1307 PIN: 877 269 818#
RPNA October Meeting
Ransom Place Neighborhood Association has formal meeting 10 times per year. We meet virtually the second Monday of every month at 7pm (except July and December, for summer and winter breaks).
If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email vp@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
Join by phone (US) +1 573-401-1307 PIN: 877 269 818#
RPNA September Meeting
RPNA meets 10 times per year. We meet the second Monday of every month at 7pm (except July and December, for summer and winter breaks).
If you'd like to be included on the Meeting Agenda, please email vp@ransom.place one week in advance. We try to get the agenda out by the Friday before the meeting.
Join by phone - (US) +1 573-401-1307 PIN: 877 269 818#
Museum Outing
You Are There 1915: Madam C.J. Walker, Empowering Women
At the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center’s latest “You Are There” exhibit, drop in on Indianapolis icon and self-made millionaire Madam C.J. Walker at 640 N. West St. – the factory where she built her beauty product empire. Visitors can learn about Walker’s products, her method for hair growing, and the successes and struggles she and her company endured.
You’ll also meet her daughter Lelia – later known as A’Lelia – her lawyer Freeman Ransom, acclaimed artist John Wesley Hardrick, George Knox – editor of the Indianapolis Freeman – and her employees and agents.
More than a businesswoman, Walker helped move the lives of many people forward in positive ways. Her contributions and legacy come alive in You Are There 1915: Madam C.J. Walker, Empowering Women through images and objects – many of which come from our collections – and multimedia pieces and activities.
Born Sarah Breedlove, she began her life on a plantation in Delta, Louisiana, in 1867, as the daughter of freed slaves. By the time she was a teenager, Breedlove was living in Vicksburg, Mississippi, where she toiled as a laundress, one of the few jobs African American women could hold. Following the death of her first husband, she and her young daughter moved to St. Louis. As a young widow, she struggled financially and eventually started selling products door-to-door for Annie Turnbo Malone – the start of her career in haircare and “beauty culture.”
In 1905, she moved to Denver, married Charles Joseph Walker, changed her name and launched a business selling her “Wonderful Hair Grower.” Success came quickly, and after traveling the country selling her product, Walker settled in Pittsburgh, where she established a college to teach others her beauty method.
By 1910, Walker was on the move again – this time arriving in Indianapolis to establish and incorporate her company’s national headquarters. She purchased her home on West Street and built a factory and distribution center on the site. Walker started beauty colleges around the country that provided women with education in haircare and beauty treatments and gave them the tools to open their own salons.
Walker left Indianapolis for New York City in 1916, where she died of issues related to hypertension three years later.
Madam Walker’s business provided access for generations of women to, in her words, “abandon the wash-tub for more pleasant and profitable occupation.” Even after she moved to New York, Indianapolis remained the hub of the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company.
At the time of her death, her company employed several thousand agents and had brought in sales of more than half a million dollars. Her daughter, A’Lelia, and other long-time employees continued the company after her death, and it was later passed down through Walker’s female descendants. The Madam Walker Legacy Center – built in 1927 as the Walker Theatre – stands as a tribute to her in downtown Indianapolis.
Madam Walker felt it was her duty to contribute all she could to the black community. She notably gave a large donation – $1,000 – to help build the Senate Avenue YMCA in Indianapolis in 1912. She encouraged her agents to give back to their communities as well.
As her business flourished in Indianapolis and across the U.S., Walker turned her attention to political matters. She became more involved in the National Negro Business League and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, giving speeches at some of their national gatherings.
Madam Walker’s life, work and legacy is detailed in a new Destination Indiana journey at the History Center. It’s a story of entrepreneurship, activism and philanthropy celebrated in Indiana and around the world. You can also explore this journey and others online at www.destination-indiana.com.
Rummage Sale
Ransom Place will host a socially distanced outdoor rummage sale. Email prez@ransom.place for details.
Neighborhood Fence Painting
Property owners of Ransom Place can opt-in to have their fences repainted by volunteers. The neighborhood association is paying for paint and other materials. Home owners should fill out this form to provide permission and acknowledge risks.
RPNA April Meeting
Our next meeting is Monday, April 12 at 7:00 PM. Here is the agenda.
Join with Google Meet meet.google.com/rzp-hpzw-idv
Join by phone(US) +1 312-883-0590 (PIN: 809831703)
Cultural Trail Clean-Up
Event Info
Local Businesses
Litter pick-up, graffiti removal, bike share station cleaning, and light garden work
Adopt any of the 12 corridors along the Indianapolis Cultural Trail
Saturday, March 13 — 9:00 am-12:00pm
Outdoor brunch immediately following for all participants.
RPNA January Meeting
It’s another virtual meeting for this chilly winter evening. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces on our monthly Google Meet.
RPNA Monthly Meeting
Our monthly meeting has moved to the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm. Join the neighborhood email list by sending a message to vp@ransom.place to receive an agenda in advance.
Cultural Trail Info Meeting
A presentation from the Indianapolis Cultural Trail and the City of Indianapolis will be followed by a Q&A session about the Cultural Trail’s expansion near Ransom Place along Indiana Ave and 10th St. Email vp@ransom.place for meeting log-in info!
Neighborhood Meeting
To join the video meeting, click this link: meet.google.com/whc-pocw-cuy To join by phone instead, dial (US) +1 513-713-1346 and enter this PIN: 581 352 666# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/whc-pocw-cuy?pin=1119962196748

Recycling Day
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.