You’ve seen the trash.
It blows from restaurant parking lots into our yards, spills from the trash truck and accumulates in the alley, tumbles from car windows onto our sidewalks. But we can work together to clear the litter.
Every block counts!
Keep Indianapolis Beautiful’s Adopt-A-Block program provides free tools and resources to help keep your block clean of litter on an ongoing basis. Plus, you get the awesome title "Block Captain" for leading your block's beautification.
Kids can lead, too.
Our caption for the 900 block of Paca Street is 8 years old. He diligently sweeps both the sidewalk and alley, collecting trash with his grabber tool and depositing it into a trash bag. Rumor has it that his allowance is earned by weighing how much trash has been collected.
Blocks available now!
We still have blocks in Ransom Place that aren’t covered! In fact, only the blocks marked in blue have been spoken for. Our vision for this year is that all blocks will have an active caption championing the effort to keep our neighborhood clean!